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NinjaTrader Algo Trading Strategies


Best practices for NinjaTrader Algotrading with indicators and strategies.... Topics include algograding with Futures, Crypto, Forex, and equities/stocks. How do you backtest / optimize strategies with NinjaTrader? You have come to the right place!


Hi Algos!

Finished up with an algo related to social trending... There are multiple setups and it does require a little hand holding each morning (importing list of higher volume stocks that are trending).

General setup:

1. Setup is daily / not intraday.

2. Ignitor bar comes from stock that's already trending on twitter/reddit/stock twits and the first high volume day from 'x' days back... such as 200% (or any variable that is back testing well as I still optimize it).

3. Parameter for number of "Pause" bars, awaiting confirmation. Confirmation comes from when trending stock has spiked in activity or sentiment score (tracking 7, 14, 30 day moving average of activity for stocks etc...). If nothing happens with social sentiment within the pause bars, no trade.

4. If during pause bars social sentiment (positive or negative) or activity (number of posts) spikes, entry order is placed (as long as stock has not already went up too much in last 'x' bars.

5. Early exit option when sentiment has dropped while activity has spiked. I am actually not sure on the best exit yet... Could be after number of bars, or maybe after high volume and high wick?

Keeping this setup now only for long as all my backtesting basically represented "no such thing as bad press" and even poor social media sentiment would still lead to spikes... also who wants to be shorting any of these trending stocks, too risky!

Let me know if you have any ideas what have worked for you related to algos for social sentiment, especially best entry/exit setups.


Lower studies:

1. Study below volume represents social sentiment (positive / negative discussions towards stocks).

2. Study at the very bottom below the social sentiment is activity (number of posts / mentions of a stock) for the day.

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