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NinjaTrader Algo Trading Strategies


Best practices for NinjaTrader Algotrading with indicators and strategies.... Topics include algograding with Futures, Crypto, Forex, and equities/stocks. How do you backtest / optimize strategies with NinjaTrader? You have come to the right place!


When we first started backtesting Epic Follow I had high expectations between futures and stocks but I was extremly surprised to see the results that came from backtesting cyrpto against futures (and the other way around). Did a big move in NQ/ES affect Bitcoin? Did a significant move in bitcoin affect the Nasdaq? Surely not.... but wait, it looks like it does! 

Most of this strategy trades with tickers I am really not used too... Do you guys trade RTY? 6B? ZW? This was backtested from 01-01-21 to 03-10-21 against Epic Follow and literally all futures are coming up green, but I typically only trade micros and not sure I have the margin to keep these (although strategy is set to close EOD). It does test ok against MES and MNQ but nothing compared to the others I mentioned.

What crypto exchange do you prefer? As we continue to add crypto API's for trading with NinjaTrader, which ones would you prefer to see added?


DISCLOSURE: Futures, stocks, and spot currency trading have large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures, stocks, commodities and forex markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose.

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